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Enjoy these free inspirational and motivating books!
This is one of the most famous self help books ever published. This inspirational book was first published back in 1937.
Hill studied the characteristics of a large number of individuals who achieved great wealth during their lifetimes and developed 15 "laws" of success intended to be applied by anybody to achieve success.
Michael Anthony says that true and lasting happiness always comes from within. Anthony's writing reveals simple, yet profound insights that can help everyone that uses them to live a more fulfilled and happier life.

As A Man Thinketh - by James Allen This inspirational literary work from James Allen was first published in 1902. The book focuses on the power of our thoughts, and embraces the idea that we become what we think about.
Updated: Hypno-Doctor 1.07. " the Gold Standard of Subliminal Software" is now available for free. This is a complexly function version of this premium program filled with rich features including subliminal messaging and masking. There are no time limitations or crippled features!
Original Post: Hypno-Doctor is a new software program for Windows that has a lot going for it. Hypno-Doctor combines four subliminal technologies to provide immersive hypnotherapy sessions to users.
The user can layer audio, video, visual anchors and subliminal text to create a comprehensive experience for addressing any session topic the user chooses. Within the boundaries of the four subliminal technologies,
Hypno-Doctor leverages five techniques from Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). But that's just for beginners. Here are some of the other technologies either available in the software or as free downloads from the Hypno-Doctor website:
1.) Prime Mind: “Change Mental State” Audio with Brain Entrainment In order to prepare the mind for optimal conditioning, Hypno-Doctor first primes the mind with audio brain entrainment.
Audio with Brain Entrainment is the ability to use audio to manipulate a person's brainwaves. Over 70 years ago scientists noticed that audio and brainwaves can have a similar relationship as the “pendulum effect” in physics. The “pendulum effect” represents the fact that if you start two pendulums in close proximity to one another at two different rates, over time the two pendulums will settle on a common rate of motion. This means that the two pendulums in effect synchronize with each other to swing in a uniform motion. Similarly, scientists found that a human brain exposed to an audio frequency will cause the brainwaves of the subject to synchronize with the rate of the audio frequency.
2) Subliminal Text is simply exposing the user to text flashing faster than they can consciously process the meaning of the text. As illustrated in figure on the right, the subliminal text is delivered directly to the subconscious mind. The following techniques are used:
“Direct Suggestion” with subliminal scripts The Hypno-Doctor™ team has researched and developed a series of subliminal scripts that take the form of direct suggestions. These suggestions are phrased in the positive or the negation style and from the first or second person.
The direct suggestion technique is highly effective to bring about a positive change. The properly worded suggestions are delivered to the subconscious mind and systematically break down negatives while replacing them with positives. The patient is optimally transformed in the minimal time required for change.
Repetition Hypno-Doctor™ has the ability to leverage the “mere exposure effect” by cycling through the direct suggestions over many iterations. In this way, the patient is exposed to each of the 60 direct suggestions 10 times within a single 30 minute session. Now that is the “mere exposure effect”!
Masking for increased effectiveness If you stare directly at a light for a few seconds and then close your eyes, you will see a visual afterimage. This visual afterimage is really a footprint left after retinal activation. This issue can cause problems for subliminal delivery software on slower machines. In order to compensate for this limitation, masking is used. Masking is used to counteract the visual afterimage after retinal activation. This is accomplished by subjecting the patient to an additional random image immediately after the subliminal stimulus is presented. The mask acts as camouflage by interrupting the visual afterimage during retinal activation.
3) Reinforce Message: “Create Associations for Lasting Change” with Visual Anchors The NLP Home Page Glossary defines "anchors" as any stimulus that is associated with a specific response. Anchors happen naturally, and they can also be set up intentionally, for example, ringing a bell to get people's attention, or more subtle, standing in a particular place when answering questions. Anchoring is the process of associating an internal response with some external trigger (similar to classical conditioning) so that the response may be quickly, and sometimes covertly, re-accessed. Anchoring can be visual (as with specific hand gestures), auditory (by using specific words and voice tone), and kinesthetic (as when touching an arm or laying a hand on someones shoulder.)Video media has unlimited possibilities for users. Users are able to reinforce subject matter with subliminal technology.
4) Guided Imagery Hypno-Doctor leverages guided imagery so the mind can affect the body when visualized images evoke sensory memory, strong emotions or fantasy. Imagery has been said to cause many types of changes in the body, including alterations in breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, metabolism, cholesterol levels and functions of the gastrointestinal system, immune system and endocrine system. A goal of guided imagery is to use the senses of touch, smell, sight and sound to achieve a tranquil state.
There are two versions of the software. Hypno-Doctor Pro comes with wealth of extras which include:
- 6 Complete Immersive Hypno-Therapy Sessions
- 360+ Powerful Subliminal Messages To Positively Influence Your Subconscious Mind
- 50+ Categories to Create Your Own Hypno-Therapy Sessions
- 19+ Visual Anchors to Reinforce Your Hypno-Therapy Sessions
- Brain Entrainment for each Session
Download Hypno-Doctor 1.07 Completely Free! Just click on this link (Note: Either save the installer for later use or just run the program. This is completely certified safe software)
The term mind power and the subconscious mind power are described in many different ways. In the psychosomatic sense mind power is labeled as ability to have emotions, imagination, memory, and will; and subconscious mind power is labeled as part of the normal individual’s personality in which mental processes function without consciousness under normal waking conditions.
1. How Mind Power and Subconscious Mind Power work
2. How to use Subconscious Mind for success
Mind power is our conscious mind, the way we think. The mind is similar to a constantly flowing spring however a natural spring cannot send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening, nor yield both salt water and fresh. So it is with the mind and its thoughts; it cannot equally think negative and positive thoughts at the same time. One will rule the other.
Since the mind reflects habitual thoughts, it is therefore our responsibility to influence our mind and brain with positive emotions, thoughts and energy as the dominating factors in our mind. Mind power is beyond positive thinking or brain power, it is thinking than believing what you think that will manifest your reality. Since this mind power is power of thought and beliefs, and these thoughts and beliefs will create the outcome of your now, you will want to stay aware to the reflections you are thinking.
Now mind power is a dual system that includes your power of thought(brain) and your subconscious mind. We all have subconscious mind power; it can be as small as smiling at your boss in the hopes of improving the odds of acquiring a raise.
It can be the way you unconsciously handle a situation whether appropriately or not. Power of the subconscious mind comes from the thoughts and beliefs of your the power of the your mind. However you think and believe is what your subconscious mind power will produce. This is done continuously, one minute at a time. Every thought nourished regularly by your mind power will activate your subconscious mind to generate those thoughts and energy whether good or bad into your life. This is how you’re present and future is created.
Your mind power and your subconscious mind work together and they fashion your reality. Let’s use a parallel to help you visualize how this works. Your subconscious mind power is similar to fertile soil that consents to any seed planted inside it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are the seeds which are being continually sown and they will eventually produce a crop. So if you plant weeds you will get weeds, if you plant fruit, you will get fruit. In other words, you reap what you sow. Now the conscious mind is the gardener, and it is the mind power to choose what reaches our inner garden- the subconscious.
Unfortunately, most of us do not have green thumbs because of lack of knowledge of this law, the psychology behind this success and because of this ignorance we have allowed all kinds of seeds, both good and bad, to enter. So our subconscious mind power will manifest failure, ill health and all kinds of misfortunes just as effortlessly as it will manifest success and abundance. However, it cannot manifest it both at the same time, which is why the need to constantly actuate the positive until the fertile soil of your subconscious mind power reaps only abundance. Success is only a choice away.
There are studies on the power of our subconscious mind on one of the most deadliest disease known to mankind, which is cancer. From numerous statistics, the following:
American Health Magazine reported these findings from a comparison study.
• Psychoanalysis: Creates a 38% recovery after 600 sessions
• Behavior Therapy: Creates a 72% recovery after 22 sessions
• Hypnosis: Creates a 93% recovery after 6 sessions
As seen, hypnosis is the most effective method other than medicines to healing our diseases. With a success rate of 93%, it surges foward any other therapy like behaviour therapy and psychoanalysis.
Hypnosis is a important healing process that uses all aspects of healthcare and also a method to stay in touch with your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is very focus on the patient, aiming only on the origin of the person’s problems. Through hypnosis, it gets the person to be in touch with the unconscious mind. It then gives the practitioner the ability to empower the patient to faster recovery and live the life the patient always dream of.
This study confirms—Hypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis and even medicines. In a hypnotic state, you are able to accept new strategies, ideas and you can more effectively and efficiently process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear.
Through Hypnosis you communicate with your subconscious mind power, which puts YOU in control of your subconscious mind—the most powerful and the most dangerous tool in your body. You can build positive beliefs in your subconscious mind or negative beliefs. Thus, always stay in touch with your subconscious mind.
But the vital aspect of why they recover so fast is the realization that they can actually choose to feel in a totally upbeat and positive way. You too can make use of the healing power of the mind. Let me show you how.
1) Admit and accept that you have an illness. (the hardest and most important step
You may think that I am absurd but life’s problems are not solved by denying their existence. Many people actually find it hard to admit to themselves they have an illness. The most important step you can take in healing would be to accept your present circumstance, but to positively expect that you can heal yourself using the powers of your mind and live life again.
2) Commit yourselves to it and take action
Seek treatment that suits you and do the necessary individual research on you illness like the diet you should be eating. Getting treatment lets you assume control over your life again. This lightens the feeling of helplessness; hence, you can think better and make the right and necessary decisions.
3) Take comfort in a Higher Power.
It would even better for your recovery if you seek comfort from you religion. It gives you the power and confidence in battling your illness.
The power of your mind can be used as a medicine or a poison. Stay in positive touch with your mind, and it becomes your medicine. On the contrary, neglect your mind, it becomes your poison.
Subconscious mind power is being aware of what information enters your mind. This is critical as the subconscious mind runs on auto pilot and whatever information enters it is what it will process.
Positive Affirmation is a declaration that what one is declaring will happen or will be. Positive affirmation is a way to plant positive seeds of hope, courage and victory into the subconscious mind. It is believed that faith is a form of affirmation as one believes the desires have already happened though it is not manifested yet. In other words faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the confidence of things not seen as though they were or are.
Subconscious mind power is gaining victory over negative thoughts and with this victory overcoming our setbacks and failures. The subconscious mind is powerful and can alter your decisions in a negative way if allowed to do so. Even though something may be true your subconscious does not deal with if it’s true, it deals with what it believes is true.
Daily affirmations or declarations are a form of feeding the subconscious mind with proper food for thought that will manifest positive situations in one’s life. Proclaiming one’s faith without ceasing is one technique for daily affirmation. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.

Sekarang ni aku just share about the software. It's called BRAIN BULLET.. By using this software, it is more simple than hypnosis session but more powerful dan tak perlu nak meditate. Just install the software, pilih saranan atau pun tulis sendiri saranan yang korang semua mahu, then run the software.. all those affirmation akan di'flash' pada skrin randomly..
Or, maybe you just want to gain the "edge" over your competition in business.
Maybe it excites you to develop super-slick sales skills, have sentences roll off your tongue like an articulated wordsmith, conquer your fear of public speaking, or work faster - in a shorter space of time?
Here are just a few of the many things you can have Brain Bullet "train" your mind to help you to...
Conquer your fears! — abolish your fears without therapy! Fear spiders or snakes? Hate public speaking, or small spaces? Detest flying, or heights? Luckily, your fear is no more real than the thought process that creates it. Brain Bullet destroys it at the source! |
Alter your personality — is there something you dislike about yourself? That cranky mood in the morning? The way you react around the opposite sex? The "mind freeze" you experience when you need your wits most? Brain Bullet can train your mind to alter your seemingly "automatic" reactions to every day events... giving you ultimate self-control. |
Improve the speed and clarify of thought — what if you could clear away the mental fog, pump yourself with positive thoughts, and correct emotional imbalances... how much more happy and energized would you be? How much easier would it be to make the decisions that affect your life? How would your relationships with people improve? |
Empower your physical self — there's research that suggests the mind-body link is so strong, that your "thoughts" can literally alter your physical body. What if it's possible for you to improve your immunity, strengthen your body, even build muscle tissue and zesty health, at the click of a button? Experimenting with this power is easy with Brain Bullet! |
Master new skills and talents — is there something you'd really love to be great at, but think you lack the skill or talent to engage in? Brain Bullet enforces your self-belief, which has been proven to have a dramatic effect on your results. This reaffirms your strengths. |
Attract the opposite sex! — are you shy around men/women? Have trouble talking to or meeting your potential mates? Or maybe you attract the wrong kind of people into your life, and your relationships always seem to crash and burn? With Brain Bullet, you could enjoy supreme self-confidence, improve your lingual abilities — even improve your looks! |
Gain a new zest for life! — what if you could banish problems from your life with ease? What if you were invincible to stress and tension, and renew your life with a vigor that you didn't know could exist? Live an exciting, rewarding, an adventurous life, in THIS life-time! |
Enjoy an incredible edge in business — learn new knowledge easily, adapt strongly to new strategies, improve your creativity and marketing, string together more persuasive pitches, speak at ease in public, deliver confident presentations, and so much more... |
Destroy bad habits in a flash! — Stomp out bad habits for good. Do you smoke, and desperately want to quit? Do you have a tendency to get angry at the slightest irritation? Maybe you can't keep your paws off the chocolate cake? Destroy habits, struggle-free! |
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So guys..for those who are really interested in upgrading their brain ability..I'll suggest korang guna le Brain Bullet ni.. kalo rajin cari (cuba le tanya kat 'kongsipantas', memang ada yang lanun)
The link to the developer's website is in Brain Bullet
Hmm..suatu dilemma yang dihadapi oleh hampir semua makhluk yang bernama manusia.. terutama pada mereka yang berasa diri terlalu mulia untuk menyakiti hati orang lain walaupun tega untuk tidak berlaku jujur kepada orang yang tersebut dengan alasan untuk menjaga hati.
Kebenaran adalah pahit untuk ditelan tapi ia tetap merupakan ubat yang paling mujarab untuk setiap manusia. Muliakah kita dengan tidak menyatakan kebenaran sekadar untuk menjaga hati? Agungkah kita dengan ketidak-jujuran hati sendiri? Hebatkah kita sekiranya dapat menjaga hati orang lain? Namun, kebenaran tetaplah kebenaran. Lambat laun terbongkar juga. Setelah kebenaran terserlah, mampukah kita untuk menjaga hati lagi? Kemana perginya kemuliaan? Kemana perginya kehebatan? Dan kemana perginya keagungan diri?
Sejujur mana diri kita? Sejauh manakah kita jujur kepada orang lain? Sedalam mana pula kejujuran kita kepada diri sendiri? Apakah skala yang ada untuk mengukur sesuatu kejujuran? Apakah pula skala yang ada untuk mengukur suatu kebenaran? Senyata mana kenyataan yang kita terima? Apakah pula skala untuk mengukur nyatanya suatu kenyataan? Benarkah ia adalah kenyataan/realiti atau cuma sekadar fantasi demi memenuhi kenyataan diri sendiri? Benarkah kita hidup di alam realiti sedangkan kita tak pernah habis untuk berfantasi?
Sedar atau tidak, ramai diantara kita yang memilih untuk hidup di alam fantasi. Meninggalkan realiti hanya sekadar untuk memenuhi kepuasan fantasi sendiri. Menolak kejujuran demi kononnya menjaga hati. Teringat kata-kata seorang rakan, “we’re not that great to be that humble”.
Apakah penting untuk menjaga hati? Apakah menjaga hati itu terlebih penting dari kebenaran & kejujuran? Apakah benar kita menjaga hati orang lain? Ataupun sekadar melakonkan watak-watak didalam Hikayat Seloka? Sejujur manakah hati kita untuk menjaga hati orang? Sehebat manakah kita untuk menjaga hati orang? Seagung manakah kita untuk menutup kebenaran?
Renung-renungkan lah…
MANTRA..satu perkataan yang dikaitkan dengan upacara/ritual didalam agama hindu & buddha, tapi apakah sebenarnya maksud MANTRA ni?
Definition # 1: Mantras are energy-based sounds.
Saying any word produces an actual physical vibration. Over time, if we know what the effect of that vibration is, then the word may come to have meaning associated with the effect of saying that vibration or word. This is one level of energy basis for words.
Another level is intent. If the actual physical vibration is coupled with a mental intention, the vibration then contains an additional mental component which influences the result of saying it. The sound is the carrier wave and the intent is overlaid upon the wave form, just as a colored gel influences the appearance and effect of a white light.
In either instance, the word is based upon energy. Nowhere is this idea more true than for Sanskrit mantra. For although there is a general meaning which comes to be associated with mantras, the only lasting definition is the result or effect of saying the mantra.
Definition #2: Mantras create thought-energy waves.
The human consciousness is really a collection of states of consciousness which distributively exist throughout the physical and subtle bodies. Each organ has a primitive consciousness of its own. That primitive consciousness allows it to perform functions specific to it. Then come the various systems. The cardio-vascular system, the reproductive system and other systems have various organs or body parts working at slightly different stages of a single process. Like the organs, there is a primitive consciousness also associated with each system. And these are just within the physical body. Similar functions and states of consciousness exist within the subtle body as well. So individual organ consciousness is overlaid by system consciousness, overlaid again by subtle body counterparts and consciousness, and so ad infinitum.
The ego with its self-defined "I" ness assumes a pre-eminent state among the subtle din of random, semi-conscious thoughts which pulse through our organism. And of course, our organism can "pick up" the vibration of other organisms nearby. The result is that there are myriad vibrations riding in and through the subconscious mind at any given time.
Mantras start a powerful vibration which corresponds to both a specific spiritual energy frequency and a state of consciousness in seed form. Over time, the mantra process begins to override all of the other smaller vibrations, which eventually become absorbed by the mantra. After a length of time which varies from individual to individual, the great wave of the mantra stills all other vibrations. Ultimately, the mantra produces a state where the organism vibrates at the rate completely in tune with the energy and spiritual state represented by and contained within the mantra.
At this point, a change of state occurs in the organism. The organism becomes subtly different. Just as a laser is light which is coherent in a new way, the person who becomes one with the state produced by the mantra is also coherent in a way which did not exist prior to the conscious undertaking of repetition of the mantra.
Definition #3: Mantras are tools of power and tools for power.
They are formidable. They are ancient. They work. The word "mantra" is derived from two Sanskrit words. The first is "manas" or "mind," which provides the "man" syllable. The second syllable is drawn from the Sanskrit word "trai" meaning to "protect" or to "free from." Therefore, the word mantra in its most literal sense means "to free from the mind." Mantra is, at its core, a tool used by the mind which eventually frees one from the vagaries of the mind.
But the journey from mantra to freedom is a wondrous one. The mind expands, deepens and widens and eventually dips into the essence of cosmic existence. On its journey, the mind comes to understand much about the essence of the vibration of things. And knowledge, as we all know, is power. In the case of mantra, this power is tangible and wieldable.

Subliminal Blaster ni ada dua version..FREE VERSION & PRO VERSION. Of course PRO version is more advance than FREE version. Hmm.. why not just try the free version first, then if it suits you, just purchased the PRO version from the developer. Tapi kan kalau rajin cari kat dalam internet ni, boleh dapat gak versi pro tu percuma..tapi aku tak galakkan le cari yang lanun ni..
Subliminal Blaster ni merupakan satu program yang menggunakan teknologi flasher yang 'memancar'kan affirmation/saranan di skrin komputer. While we're using our computer, the affirmation will be flashed repeatedly/randomly without affecting the program yang kita tengah guna.
Aku taknak la membebel banyak sangat pasal program if you're interested to try out this Subliminal Blaster.. here is the link to download the software..
Subliminal Blaster2.0
So guys..why wait?? its free unless you all want to upgrade to PRO Version..
Barangsiapa yang banyak bicara, maka banyak pula salahnya, siapa yang banyak salahnya, maka hilanglah harga dirinya,siapa yang hilang harga dirinya, berarti dia tidak wara', sedang orang yang tidak wara' itu berarti hatinya mati. ~ Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib
Hmm..ada orang yang sememangnya terlalu suka bercakap. Suka sangat bercakap sehinggakan terpaksa mengada-adakan sesuatu yang tidak ada. Ini merupakan lumrah kehidupan didunia ini. Aku mengata engkau, dan engkau mengata aku lalu aku dan engkau mengata dia.
Kenapa ramai diantara kita yang suka mengada-adakan cerita? Kenapa ramai juga yang berpura-pura? Kita mungkin boleh menipu seorang setiap masa, tapi kena ingat bahawa kita tidak boleh menipu semua orang dalam satu masa. Kenapa mesti bermuka-muka? Kenapa pula mesti mengadu domba?
Apa-apa pun, pujian boleh diberikan kepada mereka yang berjaya menipu ataupun memperdayakan orang lain sebab ‘bijak’ dalam mengolahkan kata-kata serta merekabentuk jalan cerita..namun kesian kepada yang percaya kepada cerita tersebut kerana disuap dengan versi yang salah. TAPI yang hairannya, orang yang dikelentong ni terus percaya penuh ataupun dah sememangnya buta mata hati sampai tertutup segala kebenaran.
‘A lie repeated thousand times becomes a truth’ – besar pengaruh kata-kata ni.
Inilah realiti kehidupan yang sememangnya setiap saat berlaku walau dimana jua didunia ini. Kawan makan kawan, tikam belakang, ni semua berlaku setiap masa. Dalam mengena, boleh terkena. Dan jangan ingat yang terkena tak boleh mengena. Semuanya tercatat dalam skrip hikayat seloka. Cuma tinggal untuk dilakonkan oleh watak-watak yang sememangnya sentiasa bersedia.
When identical same-sex twins are brought up in exactly the same environment and treated exactly the same (clothing included), they usually behave and feel much the same.
But identical same-sex twins brought up as individuals have different personalities, are different people. Usually one is more dominant while the other is more emotional.
It is apparently easier for people who are 'cold and calculating' to be dominant, to dominate those who are 'emotional'.
Add that those dominating others may in this way acquire power over others, or social and economic gains from using, and from misusing, people.
Such a system rewards primitive inhuman brutal (beastlike) behaviour (acquiring territory by force, might is right), held in check only by the fear of consequences.
We also see that dominating others is conditioned, that is unnatural, behaviour which is destructive of humane behaviour. A throw-back to the level of the unthinking unfeeling primitive animal.
Humane behaviour is based on feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community. From this emerges a sense of social responsibility: people matter and are important, need to be treated well and looked after, are entitled to share equally. Backed up by knowledge, understanding and reason.
And, in the hostile environment in which humanity finds itself, what is also needed is dedicated effort, strength and power to achieve a humane way of living, to achieve a good standard of living and a high quality of life.
Part of the hostile environment is an almost intentional-seeming conditioning which frequently portrays brutal behaviour as a norm, by media and other opinion-forming sources. This has the effect of brutalising society, seemingly legalising, making acceptable, inconsiderate and unfeeling behaviour towards other people.
What we see is a world-wide struggle for a humane life which shows people struggling to achieve a humane way of life, each struggling to advance at their own level of development and achievement, struggling against those who wish to dominate others, against those who wish to exploit others, against those who wish to oppress so as to exploit.
Struggling to achieve the satisfaction of needs which are entirely in line with what we have seen here in this report about the evolution and development of the human brain and human mind. Needs and wants such as those for survival (food, shelter, clothing) and secure existence, affection and esteem, friendly and trustful co-operation and companionship, independence from domination by others, high quality of life and living, self-realisation and development. And "people will co-operate with each other and work hard and well to satisfy these needs and gain much satisfaction from doing so".
Behaviour of the primitive animals from which human beings evolved is instinctive. Which means that behaviour relating to survival, such as attack, defence or sexual, is automatic. Territory is acquired by force and defended. Might is right.
The mammalian brain includes the older reptilian brain and is linked to it. With the mammalian brain emerged feelings such as attachment, fear and anger together with associated behavioural response patterns. Mammalian behaviour is less rigidly controlled by instincts.
The human brain (see Figure 3 'The Human Brain') includes the mammalian brain and human emotional responses depend on neuronal pathways which link the right hemisphere to the mammalian brain.
It takes human beings many years to bring up their children and it is the right hemisphere which is concerned with a wide range of emotions and feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community.
Figure 3 The Human Brain |
For human beings, primitive (reptilian) instinctive urges and behaviour are overlaid by mammalian care and affection for one's young and human care and affection for one's family and community. Behaviour is aimed at survival of the young and of the family, and then is for the good of family, other people, community.
The right hemisphere is linked to the primitive older part of the brain which has no verbal, semantic or reasoning ability and so functions subconsciously (below the level of consciousness). Hence the right hemisphere communicates with the 'subconscious' functions of the older part of the brain by using images. Communicating by using images is fast.
And so the right hemisphere communicates using images (pictures) and has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, is concerned with emotions and feelings.
Speech, that is thinking and communicating by using words, seems to have evolved later. The left hemisphere communicates by using words, has highly developed verbal and semantic abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned with matters as they are. Images may be described, or transformed into a narrative, by the left hemisphere.
Hence behaviour is not only determined by feelings but also by knowledge, understanding and reason.
So the human brain includes the processing and memorising of images and of their components, and the development of language and corresponding mental processing connected with memory and memorising. It also includes a wide range of emotions, of feelings, of care and affection, and the capability for objective and logical thinking and evaluation. And the later development of written languages and artificial images.
We are continually gaining information by learning, by reading or studying, learning from the experiences of others, gaining verbal information and pictorial images from external memory. The mind evaluates this incoming information and decides what is to be retained and memorised, rejecting the remainder. Information about what has been happening to oneself is treated in the same way.
And when something is happening to oneself, when one is doing something or planning to do something, we recall relevant information from memory, add other available information, and before taking action we evaluate all the information we now have. What happens as a result of the action we took is again evaluated and memorised for later use.
So we are continually evaluating information and this is a key feature of the human mind. Evaluation means estimating significance, relevance and reliability. In other words, estimating meaning and importance, bearing on or reference to the matter in hand, whether it can be relied on. In this way continually becoming more aware of explanations and causes, gaining understanding.
We memorise both verbal and image information. However, we do not memorise feelings, possibly because they may originate within the earlier mammalian parts of the brain . What is recalled is how we felt at the time, the actual feeling is not reproduced, cannot be recalled.
And memorising images is fast and this would seem to apply to their component parts and to associating. The eidetic memory of young children usually changes to linear memory as they become more adult. It appears that as we grow older so we start evaluating and then cease merely to take in such information as we come across. As we become adult we start to evaluate and develop and extend our evaluating skills. In other words, as adults what we memorise and how we recall and use recalled information is then governed by reason and aids understanding.
Continually associating new information with older information, and older information with other older information, is much more than random cross-referencing.
It is because of the meaningful way in which we associate over such large volumes of stored information, that the process of associating amounts also to the seeking of meaningful associations.
So to me it seems that all the information we take in and retain results in a more comprehensive view and understanding of the world in which we live, of our social organisation and physical environment. And thus, in the end, at some time and in some way, the information we have taken in affects and changes what we do, changes our behaviour.
Perkataan ni asyik mengetuk fikiran ni..Apa sebabnya??? Ntah..tak tau nak kata sebab apa. Semua orang mahukan kebenaran tapi sejauh manakah kebenaran yang dikatakan kebenaran tu? Semua orang mengaku diri benar tapi sedalam manakah kebenaran diri ni? Siapakah yang menentukan kebenaran? Kuasa manakah yang memperakui kebenaran? Alat pengukur manakah yang digunakan untuk kita mengukur tahap sebuah kebenaran??
Benarkah diri kita ni benar? Benarkah kita sekarang berada dijalan yang benar? Benarkah kita tidak tersesat? Benarkah kita ni tahu? Benarkah kita ni berilmu? Benarkah kita ni muslim yang mukmin? Atau lebih tepat, benarkah kita ni muslim???
Pernahkah terfikir bahawa kita ni sebenarnya selalu engkar? Kita ni sebenarnya selalu kufur?? Kita ni sentiasa diambang kesesatan?? Terasa marah dengan soalan2 ni??? Terasa diri benar? Terasa diri tahu?? Terasa diri muslim yang menurut segala perintah??? Benarkah kita bila kita
Pernahkah terfikir bahawa kita ni cuma berilusi apabila berkata kita ‘tahu’? melalui apakah yang membuatkan kita mengaku kita ni tahu? Adakah melalui fikiran? Akal? Ingatan? Khayalan? Atau hati?? Fikiran senantiasa menerawang, akal mencari jalan untuk memenuhi fikiran, ingatan cuma berlegar dipengalaman lalu yang dah lepas, khayalan pula terus melompat dimensi waktu manakala hati ibarat api pelita yang terbuai ditiup angin.
Jadi apakah dia kebenaran yang sebenarnya benar? Setiap janji Allah adalah benar, setiap janji rasulullah saw adalah benar. ‘Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia berada didalam kerugian, berpesanlah dengan kebenaran yang sebenarnya benar & berpesanlah dengan kesabaran’.
Renung-renungkan lah..
Mikrokosmos, makrokosmos & metakosmos..amende lak ni?? hmm..mari sesama pening pasal terminologi..hehehe..
mikrokosmos adalah alam mikro ataupun alam kecil atau kalau nak sedap lagi alam diri..bermula dari segala anggota jasad fizikal hinggalah ke setiap sel-sel yang ada. mikrokosmos mempunyai minda tersendiri yang dipanggil minda mikro..yang bermaksud setiap bahagian dari tubuh badan manusia termasuk sel-sel mempunyai minda tersendiri. minda disini bukan bermaksud fikiran tetapi lebih kepada sistem. suatu sistem yang lengkap serba canggih. sistem yang bergerak dengan sendirinya tanpa disedari oleh empunya diri. minda kasar diri yang dipanggil fikiran/akal tidak pernah mahu mengambil peduli akan sistem mikro yang ada pada diri. fikiran lebih seronok memikirkan hal-hal yang membawa diri kepada keseronokan fizikal semata. diri tidak pernah mengambil peduli bagaimana sistem mikro ini bekerja untuk mengganti sel-sel yang telah mati, menambah bilangan sel-sel yang kurang, malah tidak pernah terfikir bagaimana minda mikro ini menjana/mengecas kembali tenaga diri yang telah hilang. walaupun sistem ini canggih, tapi sistem ini masih juga terdedah kepada agen-agen asing/virus akibat dari kelalaian empunya diri.
makrokosmos adalah alam makro ataupun alam besar atau lebih dikenali sebagai alam semesta.. makrokosmos juga mempunyai minda tersendiri yang dipanggil minda makro. yang bermaksud setiap unsur didalam alam semesta ini seperti angin, air, api, tanah, mempunyai minda mereka tersendiri yang mana setiap minda yang ada pada setiap unsur bergabung menjadi satu minda yang besar iaitu alam semesta. minda makro juga merupakan suatu sistem yang lengkap serba canggih. setiap pergerakan yang berlaku adalah mengikut setting yang telah ditetapkan. sistem makro ini saling bergantung dengan sistem mikro. rosak/korup nya sistem makro adalah disebabkan oleh sistem mikro yang telah dipengaruhi oleh agen-agen asing/virus. sistem mikro lah yang selalu mengganggu perjalanan sistem makro dengan menggoyahkan paksi-paksi bumi diatas nama pembangunan. juga akibat dari korupnya sistem mikro, kumbahan yang terhasil juga telah tercemar yang mana terus mencemarkan sistem makro.
metakosmos adalah alam yang paling besar, alam yang tidak terjangkau kepada pemikiran kasar minda mikro. yang mengawal keseluruhan sistem mikro & juga sistem makro. metakosmos lebih dikenali sebagai alam ketuhanan. yang mana kebanyakan pemikiran kasar minda mikro cuba untuk mengenali serta mencari untuk ketemu dengan Pemiliknya..lalu lahirlah berbagai-bagai teknik, kajian, sistem-sistem baru hanya kerana mahu mengenal atau lebih ekstrim lagi mahu mencari dan berjumpa dengan Pemilik sistem-sistem mikro, makro & meta ini. ada dikalangan sistem mikro yang kononnya telah menguasai sebahagian dari sistem makro, lalu mengaku diri adalah telah kenal kepada Pencipta sistem. ada juga sistem mikro yang mengaku diri adalah penguasa/khalifah/kekasih kepada Pencipta sistem dan ada juga sistem mikro yang telah korup total mengaku diri ada Pencipta sistem.
empunya sistem mikro perlulah lebih perihatin terhadap sistem mereka, kenalpasti agen-agen asing yang cuba mengambil alih ataupun yang telah bertapak didalam sistem. upgrade le sistem yang ada, buat deep scanning, bersihkan sistem dari agen-agen asing. usahalah sedaya upaya agar sistem mikro ini bersih sebersihnya..kalau perlu format, format lah segera sebelum sistem anda didelete oleh Pemilik sistem.
renung-renungkan lah..
A key feature which distinguishes mammals from the reptiles from which they evolved would seem to be that the mammalian brain contains organs for the experience-based recognition of danger and for responding to this according to past experience. And for some conscious feelings about events.
Millions of neural pathways connect the organs which generate experience-based memories, and also those which generate conscious feelings with associated behavioural response patterns, to the reptilian parts of the mammalian brain.
It seems that feelings such as attachment, anger and fear have emerged with associated behavioural response patterns, and that behaviour is less rigidly controlled by instincts.
So it seems that instinctive behaviour can be modified by feelings of care and affection and also by experience, particularly when repeated frequently.
Neural pathways are created and strengthened by being used, others weakened by not being used. We react accordingly and it seems as if memories are being created which modify instinctive behavioural responses.
It also seems that instinctive behaviour has to be controlled, and modified according to the environment in which we find ourselves, in every generation, and that the mammalian and human parts of the brain play a major part in this.
We adapt to the world in which we live in much the same way. What happens to us and what we do, and what happens as a result, changes neural pathways. A trace is left, neural pathways are changed, memories are formed.
Playing is one way of learning how to behave, of learning about social co-operation and conflict, about family relations and about bringing up a family. From infant through child and adolescence to being an adult, we go through a long period in which we learn through playing and by experience. And learning by experience and by gaining knowledge continues while we are alive.
Social responsibility, the caring, giving and sharing with others, the taking on of responsibility for others, including conflict management, can be and is being taught.
What human beings do, what happens to us, is also memorised if thought relevant. These memories can be recalled when required and in this way will affect our future behaviour.
Additionally we also absorb information from external memory, from the mass of information now available to us from sources external to ourselves. And the action we take, what we do, depends on evaluating the situation, what we know and how we feel about it. The outcome itself is evaluated and becomes part of our memories.
It seems that on the whole people may not be able to recall feelings, that most people can only recall how they felt about something at the time.
Each new experience adds to our knowledge and plays a part in shaping our view of the community and society in which we live, of the world at large, and helps to determine our behaviour.