Behaviour of the primitive animals from which human beings evolved is instinctive. Which means that behaviour relating to survival, such as attack, defence or sexual, is automatic. Territory is acquired by force and defended. Might is right.
The mammalian brain includes the older reptilian brain and is linked to it. With the mammalian brain emerged feelings such as attachment, fear and anger together with associated behavioural response patterns. Mammalian behaviour is less rigidly controlled by instincts.
The human brain (see Figure 3 'The Human Brain') includes the mammalian brain and human emotional responses depend on neuronal pathways which link the right hemisphere to the mammalian brain.
It takes human beings many years to bring up their children and it is the right hemisphere which is concerned with a wide range of emotions and feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community.
Figure 3 The Human Brain |
For human beings, primitive (reptilian) instinctive urges and behaviour are overlaid by mammalian care and affection for one's young and human care and affection for one's family and community. Behaviour is aimed at survival of the young and of the family, and then is for the good of family, other people, community.
The right hemisphere is linked to the primitive older part of the brain which has no verbal, semantic or reasoning ability and so functions subconsciously (below the level of consciousness). Hence the right hemisphere communicates with the 'subconscious' functions of the older part of the brain by using images. Communicating by using images is fast.
And so the right hemisphere communicates using images (pictures) and has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, is concerned with emotions and feelings.
Speech, that is thinking and communicating by using words, seems to have evolved later. The left hemisphere communicates by using words, has highly developed verbal and semantic abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned with matters as they are. Images may be described, or transformed into a narrative, by the left hemisphere.
Hence behaviour is not only determined by feelings but also by knowledge, understanding and reason.
So the human brain includes the processing and memorising of images and of their components, and the development of language and corresponding mental processing connected with memory and memorising. It also includes a wide range of emotions, of feelings, of care and affection, and the capability for objective and logical thinking and evaluation. And the later development of written languages and artificial images.
We are continually gaining information by learning, by reading or studying, learning from the experiences of others, gaining verbal information and pictorial images from external memory. The mind evaluates this incoming information and decides what is to be retained and memorised, rejecting the remainder. Information about what has been happening to oneself is treated in the same way.
And when something is happening to oneself, when one is doing something or planning to do something, we recall relevant information from memory, add other available information, and before taking action we evaluate all the information we now have. What happens as a result of the action we took is again evaluated and memorised for later use.
So we are continually evaluating information and this is a key feature of the human mind. Evaluation means estimating significance, relevance and reliability. In other words, estimating meaning and importance, bearing on or reference to the matter in hand, whether it can be relied on. In this way continually becoming more aware of explanations and causes, gaining understanding.
We memorise both verbal and image information. However, we do not memorise feelings, possibly because they may originate within the earlier mammalian parts of the brain . What is recalled is how we felt at the time, the actual feeling is not reproduced, cannot be recalled.
And memorising images is fast and this would seem to apply to their component parts and to associating. The eidetic memory of young children usually changes to linear memory as they become more adult. It appears that as we grow older so we start evaluating and then cease merely to take in such information as we come across. As we become adult we start to evaluate and develop and extend our evaluating skills. In other words, as adults what we memorise and how we recall and use recalled information is then governed by reason and aids understanding.
Continually associating new information with older information, and older information with other older information, is much more than random cross-referencing.
It is because of the meaningful way in which we associate over such large volumes of stored information, that the process of associating amounts also to the seeking of meaningful associations.
So to me it seems that all the information we take in and retain results in a more comprehensive view and understanding of the world in which we live, of our social organisation and physical environment. And thus, in the end, at some time and in some way, the information we have taken in affects and changes what we do, changes our behaviour.